Face Anything

Free Everything.

Heal your psychological wounds and awaken to your deepest nature through embodied spiritual wisdom + skilled therapeutic methods.

We are all searching for freedom from suffering.

However, we are rarely present with our pain and discomfort. Often, we try to escape suffering by changing, fixing, or avoiding our pain. Yet, this resistance to our experience merely keeps us stuck in old patterns, identities, and issues such as depression, anxiety and addictions. 

The essential truth behind my approach is simple: we can free all of what needs to be transformed within us by simply facing it in the light of our own being. This allows the infinite love and wisdom of our nature to provide all that is needed for our healing and freedom.

How is this possible?

Our own infinite being is already fully allowing all of our experience without any resistance—we just need to tap into that and align with it.

My approach empowers you to see and experience what is already free within you, and facilitates presence with all that arises in your body-mind. Together, we’ll immerse ourselves in the loving presence of a powerful healing field, sitting with it all—without moving towards or away from it.

No matter what the issues are that you’re facing, transformation and freedom from suffering is possible when we can fully meet our pain in the gentle, compassionate light of awareness. You can experientially learn that this is what provides the deepest healing.

Other core truths behind my work:

1. The power to heal is within all of us–and you can unlock it! 

It’s time to wake up to who you truly are—not a diminished, distorted version of yourself. It’s time to let the gift of your unique expression flow freely and empower your world. As human beings, this is our deepest happiness and fulfillment. And it is available to you, right now. 

My focus is not on how I can heal you, but rather how I can support you to tap into your innate ability to heal yourself. I know from both personal and professional experience that we all have this power within us. We spark that in each other. 

Our shared infinite being is the healing power that allows for the transformation of our false identity on all levels of human existence. 

2. You are already whole and free–there is nothing wrong with you! 

The good news is that you do not have to heal or transform all of your trauma, addictions, self-hatred, depression, or any other issues, before you can realize that you are already whole and untouched by all of that. What you most essentially are is already free. You just need to wake up out of the conditioned beliefs and identities that have blocked you from seeing this.

No matter what pain or difficulties you are facing, know that there is nothing wrong with you or your experience. Everything is arising to be met and released in the light of your being. I can help you see this as you become aware of the transitory nature of all that arises within the unmoving presence that is always here, no matter what we are experiencing.

I endeavor to meet each individual I work with as the unique expression of the One that we all are, and allow a deeper wisdom to guide me to the work that most fits your specific needs.

I am dedicated to awakening our deepest nature and meeting life’s challenges as doorways to greater freedom. 

Through over 3 decades of experience, I have accumulated a variety of methods to facilitate healing and transformation. I utilize methods such as EMDR and Somatic Experiencing for releasing stress and trauma in the nervous system, which creates more resilience and capacity to be present with experience. (See SERVICES)

I have extensive experience working with a wide range of issues such as depression, anxiety, negative self-image, addictions, relationships issues, and trauma resolution. In addition to individuals, I work with couples with an emphasis on healing relational wounding and insecure attachment, as well as teaching Awakened Relating. I also assist with consciously meeting the many challenges we are facing in our world in order to shift out of opposition into cooperative harmony and constructive action in the communities we live in. 

With decades of inner exploration and working with hundreds of people, I’m ready to support you in this courageous journey of awakening to the truth of who you are and embodying that in all aspects of your life. 

I invite you to bring all your wounded humanness so you can more fully align with the powerful being you essentially are.

This is Empowered Embodiment.


Here are the services I offer to empower you to connect with the infinite powerhouse within and to embody that through all your humanness on somatic, psychological, and relational levels.

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Therapy for Embodied Awakening

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