Somatic & psychological therapeutic methods within a context of awakened being to help individuals and couples live more fully as the limitless beings they are.

My therapy offerings are for people on a path of spiritual awakening, and for those who are longing for more freedom from conditioned patterns and beliefs and the painful issues they cause. 

Trauma and chronic stress can result in fixed identities that interfere with living our full potential and purpose.

I work with the blocks to wholeness created by early childhood wounding and the symptoms that arise from that—such as depression, anxiety, shame, low self-esteem, relationship issues, and addictive patterns.

My commitment is to work from presence—the nondual awareness that is already awake, open, and naturally compassionate. From the patience of an open heart, I bring an undivided awareness that invites difficult issues, emotions and human sufferings as portals to deeper wisdom and embodiment. 

Our deeper nature can provide solutions that are sourced in an infinite intelligence. Coming together in this all-inclusive, all-embracing awareness provides an optimal environment for transformation.

I work on Zoom with people all over the world. I can also see people in person where I live in Grass Valley, California. 

Get in touch today to set up your free 15 minute consultation.

Here are a few of the many skills and methods I utilize in the therapy that I’ve developed through over three decades of experience. 

1. Somatic Experiencing

  • Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a form of somatic therapy that was developed by Dr. Peter Levine. SE works with the body’s physiology to resolve developmental and shock trauma, as well as chronic stress patterns, by restoring resilience and balance to the nervous system. This can alleviate symptoms related to trauma such as depression, anxiety, chronic illness, sleep disturbance, addictions, low self-esteem, and relational reactivity.

    Somatic Experiencing employs the awareness of body sensation to help people “renegotiate,” discharge, and heal trauma. With appropriate guidance into the body’s own innate capacity to heal, the highly aroused survival energies (fight, flight, freeze) can be safely and gradually discharged.

    In addition, I work with SE to assist with being present with “what is,” which facilitates awakening of consciousness while releasing trauma and stress. This is the subject of my chapter in The Sacred Mirror titled “Healing Trauma in the Eternal Now.”

2. EMDR Technique

  • EMDR works with the neural-networks in the nervous system in a way that helps to release past trauma and negative beliefs that are formed from traumatic experience. This brings you more into the present moment with a sense of balance. EMDR utilizes bilateral stimulation, which is a stimulation of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. This is simply done by alternating tapping or eye movements, which allows the brain to process the experience that has been stuck. The ability to process trauma is naturally built into the nervous system.

3. The Flash Technique

  • The Flash Technique (FT), is a recently developed therapeutic intervention that, like EMDR, has been demonstrated to be effective in reducing the disturbance level associated with painful or traumatic memories. FT also utilizes eye movements or alternating tapping and is designed to resolve unprocessed traumatic memories in the brain. The difference between the Flash Technique and EMDR is that FT does not require the client to consciously engage with the traumatic memory. You focus on a positive engaging image instead. This makes it possible to process memories that might otherwise be overwhelming.

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